Strengthening capacities for implementation of Geographic Information System with Geographic Profiling of Serial Criminal Offenders – CRO GIS
About the project
Project Team
Opening ceremony
Project expected results
The partners involved in the Twinning project are the Republic of Romania represented by the Romanian General Inspectorate of Romanian Police within the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Republic of Croatia, represented by the General Directorate of PoliceMinistry of Interior.
The main objective of the project is to improve capacities of the crime intelligence analysts within the National Police Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime and Police Directorates of the Ministry of Interior in order to provide support to serial violent crime investigation.
Planned activities will be focused on extending the usage of GIS technology by analysts in order to provide better analytical support for the missions performed by the above-mentioned structures of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geographic profiling (GP) are helpful tools for the closure of deficiencies or gaps between strategic and operative activities and they are important for understanding trends and structure of organised and serious crime. The baseline for GIS and GP is geospatial data, with latitude and longitude as key elements that allow us to connect crime locations, offence locations, and points of interest or addresses.
It will help in determining and mapping series of crimes that will enable a more powerful and proactive approach in police work.

Opening ceremony of the Twinning project „Strengthening capacities for implementation of Geographic Information System with Geographic Profiling of Serial Criminal Offenders“ was held on 10th of May 2016 at the premises of the Ministry of Interior. The project, with its value of 750 000 EUR financed by the EU funds, will be jointly implemented by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Romania represented by the General Inspectorate of Romanian police and by the Ministry of the Interior of Republic of Croatia.
The event had participants from the EU Representation in Croatia, Croatian Ministry of Interior,the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia, the Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime,Security and Intelligence Agency, Croatian Ministry of Finance – Office for Combatting Money Laundering, Ministry of Regional Development and European Funds, Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA), National Protection and Rescue, State Geodetic Administration, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography and Romanian Police representatives and representatives from the Romanian Ministry of European Funds.
The Deputy Head of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency Mrs. Nataša Mikuš Žigman stated that strengthening capacities of beneficiary country in such a way was not valuable only because expert knowledge transfer but also because of the strengthening of bilateral cooperation that is the basis for future projects and future cooperation of the two countries.
„Strengthening and improving of data and information management system through application of advanced technological tools such as Geographic Information Systems that have found its niche in many police systems worldwide represents only one of the goals of this project“ General Police Director Mr. Zvonimr Vnučec stated. „The project is also focused on strengthening capacities of police in the area of human resources development with the goal to gain knowledge and capabilities in applying such complex system, because as we all know, to be successful and efficient in applying advanced technological solution we need to invest in people who will be able to implement such solutions in a quality manner in their everyday work“.
The Ambassador of Romania, H.E Mr. Cosmin George Dinescu congratulated the Croatian officials for their dedication and good practice in using EU funds for strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Interior for the benefit of all its citizens.
„The European Commission considers crime prevention as one of the foundations of its Security Programme“Ms. Mirella Rašić, Head of Department for political reporting and analysis of the European Commission Representation in Croatia stated and concluded that organised crime requires supranational support of all member states.

Result 1:
Mihai Manolescu
Resident Twinning Advisor
Phone: 00 385 1 4887941
Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Project Team
Opening ceremony
Project expected results
About the project
The partners involved in the Twinning project are the Republic of Romania represented by the Romanian General Inspectorate of Romanian Police within the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Republic of Croatia, represented by the General Directorate of PoliceMinistry of Interior.
The main objective of the project is to improve capacities of the crime intelligence analysts within the National Police Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime and Police Directorates of the Ministry of Interior in order to provide support to serial violent crime investigation.
Planned activities will be focused on extending the usage of GIS technology by analysts in order to provide better analytical support for the missions performed by the above-mentioned structures of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geographic profiling (GP) are helpful tools for the closure of deficiencies or gaps between strategic and operative activities and they are important for understanding trends and structure of organised and serious crime. The baseline for GIS and GP is geospatial data, with latitude and longitude as key elements that allow us to connect crime locations, offence locations, and points of interest or addresses.
It will help in determining and mapping series of crimes that will enable a more powerful and proactive approach in police work.

- Component 1 aims to provide an assessment of the present situation in the beneficiary country related to the use of GIS technology and also technical specifications for the development of a new system according to current needs of the beneficiary institution.
- Component 2 is directly connected to component number 1 because its purpose is to provide the necessary training in order to improve the level of expertise and knowledge of police officers on processing and using of GIS with geographic profiling methodology.
- Component 3 is designed to provide the necessary framework for police officers who will be educated in the future on how to use GIS technology, and its output will consist of one long-term Training Programme and one Training Manual for GIS users.
- Component 4 will provide the necessary measures to be implemented in order to improve the quality of GIS data and to enhance the capabilities of criminal intelligence system.
Project Team
- Mr. Wili Victor Apreutesei (MS Project leader)
- Mr. Velimir Bartoš (BC Project Leader)
- Mr. Mihai Manolescu (Resident Twinning Advisor)
- Ms. Ksenija Butorac (RTA Counterpart)
- Ms. Mariza Dujmović (RTA Assistant)
- Ms. Jelena Marinović (RTA Language Assistant )
Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony of the Twinning project „Strengthening capacities for implementation of Geographic Information System with Geographic Profiling of Serial Criminal Offenders“ was held on 10th of May 2016 at the premises of the Ministry of Interior. The project, with its value of 750 000 EUR financed by the EU funds, will be jointly implemented by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Romania represented by the General Inspectorate of Romanian police and by the Ministry of the Interior of Republic of Croatia.
The event had participants from the EU Representation in Croatia, Croatian Ministry of Interior,the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia, the Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime,Security and Intelligence Agency, Croatian Ministry of Finance – Office for Combatting Money Laundering, Ministry of Regional Development and European Funds, Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA), National Protection and Rescue, State Geodetic Administration, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography and Romanian Police representatives and representatives from the Romanian Ministry of European Funds.
The Deputy Head of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency Mrs. Nataša Mikuš Žigman stated that strengthening capacities of beneficiary country in such a way was not valuable only because expert knowledge transfer but also because of the strengthening of bilateral cooperation that is the basis for future projects and future cooperation of the two countries.
„Strengthening and improving of data and information management system through application of advanced technological tools such as Geographic Information Systems that have found its niche in many police systems worldwide represents only one of the goals of this project“ General Police Director Mr. Zvonimr Vnučec stated. „The project is also focused on strengthening capacities of police in the area of human resources development with the goal to gain knowledge and capabilities in applying such complex system, because as we all know, to be successful and efficient in applying advanced technological solution we need to invest in people who will be able to implement such solutions in a quality manner in their everyday work“.
The Ambassador of Romania, H.E Mr. Cosmin George Dinescu congratulated the Croatian officials for their dedication and good practice in using EU funds for strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Interior for the benefit of all its citizens.
„The European Commission considers crime prevention as one of the foundations of its Security Programme“Ms. Mirella Rašić, Head of Department for political reporting and analysis of the European Commission Representation in Croatia stated and concluded that organised crime requires supranational support of all member states.

Project expected results
Result 1:
- Assessment report considering requirements for implementation of GIS with geographic profiling in the MoI with corresponding recommendations for improvements prepared.
- Level of expertise and knowledge of police officers on processing and using of GIS with geographic profiling methodology improved.
- Long-term training programme and Training Manual in the area of GIS with geographic profiling methodology prepared.
- Measures of qualitative control for application of GIS with geographic profiling implemented in the criminal intelligence system and the quality level of the criminal intelligence system enhanced.
Mihai Manolescu
Resident Twinning Advisor
Phone: 00 385 1 4887941
Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia