Croatian driving licence
Important notes
An application for a driving licence may be submitted by a Croatian national who resides and has registered residence in the Republic of Croatia, a Croatian national who temporarily resides and has declared place of residence in the Republic of Croatia over a period of at least 185 days, a national of an EEA Member State with a habitual residence in the territory of the Republic of Croatia or in education in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and a foreign national who resides in the territory of the Republic of Croatia for at least 185 days in a calendar year and has been granted temporary or permanent residence.The police department, i.e. the station, shall issue a certificate on the submitted application for issuing of the driving licence to the applicant. The certificate shall be valid for operating vehicles in traffic within 30 days of the date of applying for the driving licence, and shall be returned by the applicant to the competent authority at the time of issuance of the driving licence.
Driving licences shall be issued at the latest within 30 days of the date on which the application for the driving licence was submitted under the regular procedure. Under the accelerated procedure, the licence shall be issued within three working days, and under the urgent procedure within 24 hours of applying for a driving licence.
The driving licence issued under normal procedure shall be given to the driver by a police department, i.e. the police station in which the application for the driving licence has been made. Driving licences may be delivered by a courier service at the driver’s address of domicile, residence, habitual residence, permanent or temporary residence if such method of delivery was requested when applying for a driving licence.
Driving licences issued under the accelerated procedure shall be given to the driver by the police department in which the application has been made or of which the police station in which the application has been made is part, and driving licences issued under the urgent procedure shall be given to the driver by the Police Department of Zagreb. The police department or police station shall not provide an automatic notification on the completion of the driving licence.
If the driver fails to collect the driving licence within the next 90 days from the date on which the deadline prescribed for the issuance of driving licence expired, the competent authority shall cancel the driving licence.
In the driving licence, Code 95 is to be recorded on the basis of the certificate of initial qualification or periodic training (CPC), and on the basis of the certificate of secondary qualifications acquired in the profession of driver. Code 95 shall be entered for operating vehicles of categories C1, C, D1, D, C1E, CE, D1E and DE. The procedure for obtaining a CPC on the initial qualification, i.e. periodic training, shall be prescribed by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.
Driving licences issued by 1 July 2013 shall be valid until the expiry of the period for which they were issued, and until 19 January 2033 at the latest.
The provision of the Article 152j(1) of the Misdemeanour Act (Official Gazette No: 107/07, 39/13,157/13, 110/15, 70/17 and 118/18), which entered into force on 1 January 2014, stipulates the refusal of issuing a driving licence or extending its validity and refusal of registering a motor vehicle or extending the registration of a motor vehicle to a person who fails to pay the fine having the force res judicata within the period prescribed in the infringement decision.
In order to implement that provision, the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration has set up a register of unpaid fines for persons with a final decision on the infringement by an infringement court or other infringement body for infringement under the law, imposing any of the administrative penalty or asset recovery measures , and who fail to pay the fine having the force res judicata within the period prescribed in the decision on the infringement.
Citizens and legal persons who are deprived of some of these rights, due to having a record in the register of unpaid fines under the Misdemeanour Act, may obtain all the data necessary for the payment of the fine imposed in police departments or police stations.
The entry and deletion of data from the register of unpaid fines falls within the remit of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration.
Extension of the validity of the driving licence (renewal)
An application for a driving licence is submitted at a police department or a police station performing the activities of issuing of driving licences.The application form for issuing a driving licence is printed by the desk officer and the applicant must certify the accuracy of the printed data by signing the form.
The applicant shall provide the following:
- driving licence
- medical certificate proving the ability to operate vehicles of categories C1, C, D1, D, C1E, CE, D1E, DE, H, and category B when driving for professional purposes, if a driving licence which has expired was issued on the basis of a medical certificate establishing the obligation to revalidate the medical certificate — not older than six months
- one 35 × 45 mm photograph
- proof of payment of 20,04 EUR - HRK 151 (fixed exchange rate) for regular procedure, 26,54 EUR - HRK 200 (fixed exchange rate) for accelerated procedure and 59,73 EUR - HRK 450 (fixed exchange rate) for urgent procedure, for driving licence form with a payment slip obtained at a police department, station, general payment or Internet banking, to state budget account, IBAN HR1210010051863000160, model HR65, reference number 7005-477-OIB.