Registration of vehicles
From 1 January 2018, pursuant to the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Act (Official Gazette 108/17) and the Ordinance on Vehicle Registration and Marking (Official Gazette 130/17), vehicle registration activities and other related activities, which were performed in police departments, i.e. police stations, are performed in vehicle roadworthiness testing centres.
In addition to vehicle registration, vehicle roadworthiness testing centres shall also carry out the following activities:
The following activities will continue to be carried out at police departments or police stations in relation to the registration of vehicles:
Vehicle registration shall be carried out by vehicle roadworthiness testing centres authorised by a regulation governing road traffic safety and according to the registration area where the vehicle owners have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat, or in which the holders, lessees or sublessees of vehicles have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat.
By way of derogation, vehicle registration may also be carried out by a vehicle roadworthiness testing centre situated outside the registration area where the vehicle owners have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat, or in which the holders, lessees or sublessees of vehicles have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat, but with the code of the registration area in which the vehicle owners or holders, lessees or sublessees have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat office, within 30 days of the date of filing of the application for registration of the vehicle, given that registration plates with the code of the other registration area are to be ordered.
In addition to vehicle registration, vehicle roadworthiness testing centres shall also carry out the following activities:
- extension of the validity of the registration certificate,
- deregistration of vehicles (Declaration on the place of storage of the vehicle form)
- issuing of test plates to citizens (Application form for issuing test plates)
- issuing of export plates,
- issuing of certificates and authorisations for vehicles and owners of vehicles from registered and marked vehicles record, records of test and export plates, excluding certificates and authorisations of registered and marked vehicles issued under the Enforcement Act, or in accordance with the Act on the Registry of Judicial and Notarial Security Interests on Movables and Rights due to registration of judicial and notarial security.
The following activities will continue to be carried out at police departments or police stations in relation to the registration of vehicles:
- the entry and deletion of measures of restricted disposal of the vehicle due to a record on the enforcement or entry of judicial or notarial security interest, the entry of the deregistration of the vehicle after deletion of the measure and the summons to the debtor to record deregistration in the registration certificate,
- recording of missing transport documents — publication,
- issuing of an order to engrave the number of the chassis,
- Issuing of the certificate of ownership of the vehicle under the Enforcement Act, or under the Act on the Registry of Judicial and Notarial Security Interests on Movables and Rights due to registration of judicial and notarial security,
- retrieval of registration plates seized in traffic,
- issuing of test and transferable plates to legal persons and natural persons, craftsmen, on the basis of the decisions of the Ministry of the Interior.
Vehicle registration shall be carried out by vehicle roadworthiness testing centres authorised by a regulation governing road traffic safety and according to the registration area where the vehicle owners have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat, or in which the holders, lessees or sublessees of vehicles have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat.
By way of derogation, vehicle registration may also be carried out by a vehicle roadworthiness testing centre situated outside the registration area where the vehicle owners have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat, or in which the holders, lessees or sublessees of vehicles have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat, but with the code of the registration area in which the vehicle owners or holders, lessees or sublessees have their domicile, residence, temporary or permanent residence or seat office, within 30 days of the date of filing of the application for registration of the vehicle, given that registration plates with the code of the other registration area are to be ordered.